Saturday, January 12, 2008

Okay so lets get straight to facts. Microsoft and Nintendo couldn't agree on how to split the ridiculous amount of money they would receive from an XBL port of everyone's favorite FPS possibly of all time. As you all know from hearing on Digg, Kotaku, and other sites, the project is now shelved, so it is up to us to make some noise, and make sure Microsoft and Nintendo know how outraged the gaming community is and how this game HAS to happen and soon.

Below im linking to the growing petition being passed around on the web, as well as important contacts at both Microsoft and Nintendo. Lets do this in a civil matter and get our voice heard. Feel free to e-mail them and tell them how bad you want this game, and be sure to link them to the petition or anything else like comments from posts on digg, or gaming sites so they can see how bad we want this. Make sure you pass the petition, emails or links to this blog to everyone you know so we can get this out there as much as possible. Lets prove once again how the voice of Digg and the rest of the internet can make stuff happen!

PS: If you know any personal e-mail contacts for others at MS or Nintendo please share them in the Digg comments so I can add them to this post!

Rare007 Petition

Microsoft E-Mail contacts:
Major Nelson ‘Xbox Live Director of Programming’ (Most Important)
Edelman 'Xbox Press Director'
Xbox 360 Live E-Mail Form

Nintendo E-Mail contacts:
Nintendo E-Mail Form
Nintendo PR E-Mail Form


Garion said...

Why don't they release it on both...

That way both companies can get 100% of the profits.

Xbox could possibly have the XBL edition, and the VC can just have the multiplayer

frontieruk said...

Erm wouldn't Activision, the current holder of the Bond License have more to say about it than Nintendo?

Just a thought,

Pedro Monscooch said...

I've never wanted a game so much in my life. Good job to whoever set this appeal up this up. Here's hoping they'll have some sense and realise that this easily has the potential to become the biggest downloadable game on both consoles.

Adam said...
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Adam said...
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Adam said...

The blog writer really should put together an effective template and put it on here, for people to copy and paste in to the e-mail when writing to MS and the XBL team, just to make it all the more effortless and easier for those who don't know what to write exactly.

- Adam

John said...

Supposed leaked 720P picture:

Supposed features:
This special edition supposedly included, among others, the following features:

* Flawless recreation of the original gameplay. The game used the original code, running on an Xbox 360.
* Solid 60 frames a second.
* High definition graphics with the option to switch back to the original N64 graphics any time.
* Four-way online split-screen multiplayer, with the option to see what the other three players can see, even over Live.
* New multiplayer maps, including the single player Dam, Depot or Frigate levels as multiplayer arenas.

Xbox 360 Fanboy article: